P 1: Semi-automatic construction of Bavarian speech corpora for speech and language research
Jonathan Harrington,
Barbara Plank
[Phonetics and Speech Processing, Computational Linguistics, NLP]
P 2: A psycholinguistic and acquisitional perspective on lectal coherence
Adriana Hanulíková,
Sarah Schimke
P 3: On the coherence of varieties along the dialect-standard axis in different South Bavarian regions – A variationist perspective on lectal coherence
Lars Bülow, Philip C. Vergeiner
[Variationist Sociolinguistics and Dialectology]
P 4: Coherence in Swabian time and space: a cognitive-computational perspective
Karen V. Beaman, R. Harald Baayen, Konstantin Sering
[Quantitative Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Variationist Sociolinguistics and Dialectology]
P 5: Inclusive Language Representations for Dialects by Transferability Estimation
Lucie Flek, Barbara Plank
[Computational Linguistics, NLP, AI]
P 6: Coherence in conversation – Modeling intra- and inter-situational language behavior
Lucie Flek, Alfred Lameli
[Variationist Sociolinguistics and Dialectology, Computational Linguistics, NLP]
P 7: Lectal coherence in the context of multilingualism
Barbara Sonnenhauser,
Lars Bülow
[Contact Linguistics, Multilingualism, Variationist Sociolinguistics and Dialectology]
p 8: Phonetic and cognitive bases of lectal coherence
Felicitas Kleber,
Jonathan Harrington
[Phonetics and Speech Processing]